Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Baby Brito

I've already mentioned the little bub on the way, but here's a little more about our little surprise...

It was down to the final days of my sister's pregnancy... Baby Leo was already passed his due date and I was the one driving Barbie to and from the doctor's appointments to check on her status. It was Sunday when I realized I was already "late", so Monday after taking Barbie to get checked only to be sent back home again, I decided to buy a test on my way home. In a rush to find out right away, I overestimated how much a had to go the bathroom and wasted 1 of the 2 tests on only a few drops of pee. The faintest blue line came across but it was so faint that it wasn't believable enough. I convinced myself that was the line "to be filled in" with a positive test. With the big event of a the arrival of my nephew I decided to keep this little discovery on hold... If I didn't get my period by later in the week I'd take the second test.

Barbie was admitted into the hospital that Monday night to begin the inducing process, but since the actual inducing wasn't going to take place til the next day, that's when my mom and I were going to go. We arrived at the hospital Tuesday late morning and stayed throughout the whole process. The plan was for only my mom, brother-in-law, and grandma to stay in the room to watch the birth and I was only going to stay up until they kicked me out. Up until this point, I had only watched labor and births on TV, so this was my first live experience. I must say, it was very "informative" for letting me know what to expect, but all I could think in the back of my mind was "this might be me in just a few months" and "if I am... There's no turning back now!"

After hours of pushing for natural birth I was only kicked out along with everyone else once they decided to do a c-section. My nephew was finally born Wednesday morning at 5:16am! We waited until we were able to see both baby and mommy before heading home. Due to my lack of sleep, I ended up staying at their place to nap and then spent the day there since my dad was flying in later that night. Jon joined us after work and we went down to the hospital once again so that the new grandpa and uncle could meet baby Leo and so that my mom and brother-in-law could swap hospital shifts.

That night I slept like a baby, and only remembered my mission to take that second pee test once I woke up the next morning. I nervously ran to the bathroom and it didn't take long before that blue line appeared right before my eyes. I couldn't believe it... I showed Jon when he got home and we were both so shocked yet so excited.

Although this little bub wasn't planned by our standards, there's no question in our mind whether he or she was planned by our Creater. We are thrilled to receive and care for this little bundle of joy gifted to us! We are so thankful that everything seems to be healthy thus far, and we pray it continues. Here are a few of baby Brito's first pictures :)

Left: the very first ultrasound on April 15th at 6 weeks, 5 days. Right: Leo's reaction to the news!

This ultrasound is from our appointment today, at 12 weeks, 6 days:

Any guesses for boy or girl?? We will probably find out July 23rd, baby permitting... the legs were crossed today so hopefully he/she won't do that to us on the day it counts! Besides that, the forehead gives me a little inkling this little one will look like his/her daddy... or at least have his forehead! We'll see!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and Jonathan!! Can wait to meet little baby Brito!! I think is a girl :)
