Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We're Moving!

WHOA, it's been a while! Last time I was here I was about 6 months pregnant and this time around my little guy is almost 6 months old! I realize I have some catching up to do, but first I'd like to start off with some NEWS (if you didn't already know) - WE'RE MOVING!

It feels so surreal to be writing about this because it means that it's actually happening and getting close! Backing up a bit... a little over a year ago (right around the time I found out I was pregnant) we started brainstorming the idea of moving from New Jersey to San Diego, CA. I always dreamed of moving out of state to someplace with more "outdoor friendly" weather, but during my dating years and engagement with Jon it was pretty clear that his idea for our future was set in NJ for a while - so I put that dream to the side and just let him know that if he ever changed his mind I would totally be on board. Well, it definitely caught me by surprise when this idea came from him less than a year into our marriage! We spoke about it a whole lot and more and more the pros were weighing more than the cons. Really, we both knew, but decided to pray more about it and wait it out to see how we felt when we visited my parents out there last Summer. I can't explain it any other way than it just felt right. Yes, it's a challenge to leave the security and familiarity of life here, but we truly believe God has a plan for us over there. Simply put - we believe that God created us and put certain desires in our hearts, and as much as New Jersey is dear to our hearts, it is not the place that fulfills our desire for the kind of lifestyle we want our family to live.

After making our decision, we started planning. We would have the baby in NJ (while we still had job security and health insurance), move into Jon's parents' for a couple months to save some extra money, and make the big move in the Summer of 2015. Here we are, Spring of 2015 and the date is set - July 1st!

So why am I sharing this? We have our perspective plans, but there are still a lot of unknowns. So please PRAY for us. I promise I will try my best to keep up to date and blog our journey along the way :)

- Angie

P.S. We'll be having a GARAGE SALE in UNION on May 30th to help downsize our amount of stuff since we're limiting ourselves to 1 U-BOX container to ship. I'll be selling some of our clothes, shoes, jewelry, kitchen gadgets/appliances, decor, furniture, etc. SAVE THE  DATE!