Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's been about a week since we moved into our new place. We are so thankful for God's provision and timing. We were stuck between a time constraint and unique circumstances and just when I thought for sure  it would be impossible to make this move, everything fell into place.  We were able to find a new home situated close to our new church family and within a short commute to Jon's new job (we had been living about an hour north of here). This is what we were praying for and God totally came through!

We are so thankful for Jon's new job. My heart is so mixed with emotions though, since he will have to go away for training for nearly 5 months! I am both excited for him and sad to be apart for so long. I'm sad that he'll miss out on Nathan's baby phase and milestones, but I'm also glad  that it's now while he's little and won't feel it as bad. I know it will be hard, but I'm also at peace  knowing that  God has led us up to this point and will strengthen us through it.  So instead of worrying and thinking about the negatives, I'm choosing to be thankful.

Thankful  for technology that will allow us to keep in touch and see each others faces.
Thankful for NOW- this time we have together before he leaves.
Thankful  for having my parents living with us - it'll be nice to have the extra help while he's away.
Thankful for a church community I can get involved in and keep myself busy.
Thankful for a God who takes care of all things, big or small.

So Jon officially starts working the end of this month, and then he has to go to Georgia to train from late October to early March. We are still figuring out the legistics  of it but  we're told he'll have off weekends and that I can go visit.

In the meantime, we'll be settling into our new home and soaking up as much time together as we can these next couple weeks. Please pray for us!

- A, J & N