Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nature Walks

This Spring there's nothing I'm enjoying more than a breath of fresh air. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is stick my nose out the window and take deep breaths. I've always enjoyed fresh air, but it seems this pregnancy has taken it to a whole new level. All I'm saying is... my husband should be very thankful the pregnancy landed in the Springtime, otherwise he'd be coming home to wide open windows even in the middle of Winter.

Since I wasn't already on a heavy exercise routine, doctor's orders was to take it light and she basically summed it down to walking and speed walking (BORING). I decided that if that's all I'm allowed to do, I was not going to do it trapped on a treadmill inside a gym while it's gorgeous outside. So I've resorted to nature walks outside, and even got my husband to tag along when he can.

Oh the sound of the swishing trees and chirping birds. The crunching under my feet as I walk on the rocky trail and the running streams of water. The views, oh the views... and of course that sweet smell of fresh air and greenery. We walk and talk about life and our plans and dreams for the future. We look back at how God has orchestrated everything thus far and we smile in faith that He will continue to do so. And sometimes we don't talk and we just listen to nature- to the swishing, chirping and crunching.

So far our walks have taken place in the trails of the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morristown. We walked there a couple times during our dating years and it is also where we took pictures the day before our wedding, so it is filled with sweet memories. It's so funny how the same place can look so different after a few years or even months and especially in a different season.

(If you look really closely you can see a deer between the trees)

Off to meet my hubby after work for another little walk!


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