Sunday, June 15, 2014

One Year

Today marks one year of our marriage. It's crazy how one year flies by so quickly. The waiting for our wedding day felt like eternity, reasonably since we dated for almost 7 years beforehand. But since the day we said "I do" it seems everything went fast forward. Before we knew it we were back from our honeymoon, the Summer was over, we were celebrating our "first married" holidays and birthdays, we became aunt and uncle, found out we too were soon to be parents, and here we are celebrating year one.

Okay, so it didn't go THAT fast, but looking back it sure does seem like it. Year one was filled with "firsts", new experiences and adventures, celebrations, struggles, victories, and learning. I must say, considering all the stories I've heard about how the first year of marriage is the hardest year, I think we nailed this one. I don't want to claim to have the perfect marriage-- I don't. There were struggles and there were arguments and disagreements but we were able to handle them. Why? Because we were prepared. The year of our engagement we agreed to invest in our "marriage" as much, if not more than our wedding. We read books, talked a lot about our plans and goals for the future, went to a marriage conference as "pre-marrieds" and got pre-martial counseling. Our foundation was on a Christ-centered relationship and our goal was to live out God's intention of marriage. We learned quickly that we needed to first look at ourselves before trying to fix each other, and that if we put each other on a pedestal we would only fail each other-- only Jesus is perfect and can satisfy all our needs. We also learned to prioritize what is really important in life and not argue over little things that don't really matter. But most of all, we learned to point each other to Christ.

Jon, or should I say "Mr. Brito",

This year has been one of the greatest years of my life. 
Thank you for always striving to be the best husband you can be and for always seeking God first.
You are so gracious to me with your servant heart and unconditional love.
Thank you for supporting my dreams and passions, even when it means quitting my job
For picking up my slack around the house when I don't feel well
And for always trying to make sure I'm "okay".
Your hard work, determination, and "strive for more" inspire me, and yet you don't lose focus of the important things in life.
You know the right time to make me laugh, but not everything in life is a joke and you know that too.
Thank you for choosing me to do life with.
I love you.

Happy 1st Anniversary!


Happy (kinda) 1st Father's Day!

Mrs. Brito <3

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Dreamin'

As we enter into the month of June, I can't help but love the feeling of Summer taking over. Although Summer doesn't officially begin until the end of the month, it sure is starting to feel like it! The days are warmer, the sun is out longer, and after weeks of not feeling myself it serves as a chance at a new beginning. So this season, in between the big things we're looking forward to (one year anniversary and vacation to California), I've set a few goals for myself...

READ the Bible more
EAT more fruits
COOK new recipes
LEARN to make delicious summery drinks
DINE out in our balcony at least once a week
HAVE picnics
SPEND more quality time // less money
ENJOY the simple things
GO to the beach on free days
BUY a decent camera
WATCH the sunset
CELEBRATE life // milestones

I'm sure I'll come up with more along the way, but this should be a good start. I can't believe this will be our second Summer together as a married couple. I also can't believe it will be our last Summer together as a family of two. So here's to enjoying the seasons in life... Cheers!