Friday, February 21, 2014

A Pause in Time

In my first post I listed a few of my most cherished moments on my wedding day. I purposefully left one out, only because it was actually on the day before the wedding. To give you a little background- we had scheduled an engagement session with our wedding photographer back in the Fall, a good couple months before our June wedding. We had set it up at a time she was in the area since she lives out of state, but when the time came... so did Super Storm Sandy. Considering we didn't want flying trees as our background, we ended up canceling our session which left us with the only only option to book a session on her next trip to NJ- for our wedding. So I booked a session the day before our wedding. Yes, I knew I had a million last minute things to do, but I was determined to make it work. It sounds like craziness, and I was probably being more optimistic than realistic, but when I look back at it... It was PERFECT.

It had been a busy rainy week. The rehearsal dinner was the day before, and the day before that I gotten into a car accident, hitting a deer on the highway (I KNOW!) and ended up having to rent a car. I had just checked into the hotel and it was pouring rain. Being that I was still a little shaken up by the accident, and worried about driving a brand new car around, I almost canceled. But the rain started slowing down and I decided to go.

The pouring rain became a drizzle by the time I got to the park. Yes it was wet, but we got some neat shots with my umbrella out of it. In the midst of all the chaos, and the anxiety of having a wedding the next day, it was like A PAUSE IN TIME. I am so thankful for those 2 hours I got to spend with my future hubby. We had been so worked up in planning our wedding, running errands, and checking off to-do lists that that time became like a breath of fresh air. We got to enjoy each other, have fun, and just embrace those last few moments together before the big day.

(Check out more of this shoot here)

I was reading my devotional this morning and this little piece of it seemed so fitting: "Life is so complicated. But God calls us to trust Him. To rest in Him, as He holds us in His hands, as He fulfills His promise to work the details of our everything together for our good."

In the end, I wouldn't trade the way things turned out for anything. I look back and know that God had his hand in what seemed like chaos, to make things happen the exact way that was the best for us. I look back and can't help but compare the scenario to every day life. Sure, we may not be planning a wedding anymore, but sometimes we can get caught up in the daily and weekly routines of life, and forget to actually enjoy life. Or we can get caught up in what seems like chaos, and forget that God is in control.

I pray that my life journey with Jon will reflect this. That we'll make it a habit to take a break from the craziness of life, take a pause in time, and simply trust God and enjoy the life He gave us - no matter the circumstances.

Mrs. Brito

*Photography by Melissa Young -

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Day

I got this sweet postcard in the mail today from one of my best friends. I guess the good thing about having a friend living in a different state is that it gives you an excuse to use the good old fashioned snail mail!

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'd like to encourage you to LOVE. Tell someone you love them - in a way that speaks to them. If you've never heard of "The 5 Love Languages", it's a really good read and can change your life! It's not just for couples, everyone has a love language so it applies to everyone!

According to Gary Chapman, there are 5 Love Languages:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

I read the book about 2 years ago and discovered that my love language is quality time. My husband already knows...I could be all day with him, but if none of it is "quality time" I won't be satisfied. On the other hand, if he turns off the TV (or any other distraction) and gives me 10-15 minutes of what I like to call "FaceTime", that's all it takes!

So if you're interested, discover your love language by taking this quiz. Chances are that your love language reflects the way you love others, but not everyone speaks the same love language. Have your loves ones take the quiz too, and it'll make lovin' a whole lot easier. 

Happy LOVE Day!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Day I Said "I Do"

It seems that the only appropriate first post of a blog named "Life After 'I Do'" should be about the day it all began - the day I became Mrs. Brito. 

June 15, 2013 was one of the most memorable days of my life. Not only because it was the day I married my best friend, but because I look back at that day and I am overwhelmed by the all the warmth and love poured on us by our friends and family. God truly blessed us with a day full of love, joy, peace, and sunshine.

They say it'll be the fastest day of your life, and although I look back and wonder where time went, I can honestly say I enjoyed that day to the fullest and soaked up as much as I could. Here are a few significant moments that are so precious to me.

1. Waking up to sunshine and perfect weather after whole week of rain. I think of it and smile, because only God knows how much that meant to me.
2. Sleeping at a hotel with my bridesmaids the night before, and a peaceful morning getting ready all together. It was so precious to spend those last few hours as a "single lady" with my best friends who have been there in every season of my life.
3. Walking down the aisle with my dad, and then walking back with my HUSBAND.
4. Dancing to "Love Me Tender" with my husband, sung by the lovely Norah Jones and just embracing that moment. Dancing with my dad, who filled me with kind words throughout. And watching my husband dance with his mom as she cried in her first-born son's arms.
5. Arriving in our HOME for the very first time. And then, well.... ;)

The list can go on and on... but I guess I can say these are a few of my favorites. 

(Photography by Melissa Young -

Over the past few years I've learned how much I love life - from the simple things like a sunny day to the things like relationships that can get complicated, messy and yet be so beautiful. And by relationships I don't only mean dating and marriage - I also mean friendships, parent-child, siblings, etc. With a "Family and Child Studies" degree, it's no wonder I loved all my core classes in college. More and more I've found myself intrigued by books and blogs about life and relationships, especially those who mirror the way God created them to be. So I've decided to join the blog world and share my journey in life as well. It may be simple things like food and projects for the home, or things about relationships that I've learned, read, or been inspired by. Here's to something new!

*If you'd like to see some more wedding photos, click here