Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Day

I got this sweet postcard in the mail today from one of my best friends. I guess the good thing about having a friend living in a different state is that it gives you an excuse to use the good old fashioned snail mail!

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'd like to encourage you to LOVE. Tell someone you love them - in a way that speaks to them. If you've never heard of "The 5 Love Languages", it's a really good read and can change your life! It's not just for couples, everyone has a love language so it applies to everyone!

According to Gary Chapman, there are 5 Love Languages:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

I read the book about 2 years ago and discovered that my love language is quality time. My husband already knows...I could be all day with him, but if none of it is "quality time" I won't be satisfied. On the other hand, if he turns off the TV (or any other distraction) and gives me 10-15 minutes of what I like to call "FaceTime", that's all it takes!

So if you're interested, discover your love language by taking this quiz. Chances are that your love language reflects the way you love others, but not everyone speaks the same love language. Have your loves ones take the quiz too, and it'll make lovin' a whole lot easier. 

Happy LOVE Day!


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