Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Just Do It

It's a little embarrassing to admit that I haven't had much of an exercise habit since before my wedding... which is about to be 9 months ago a week and a half from now. Sure, I had a few days that I decided to do Zumba or yoga in my living room, and the "desire" was there to make it a habit, but it just didn't happen. I can sit here and make excuses that it was my work schedule or that the location we live is pretty much impossible to get around without a car or that we didn't have a membership to a gym, but the reality was that I was just lazy. The idea of having a healthy and fit lifestyle was appealing to me, but I had lost the rhythm of it and I knew it would be work to start all over again.

So about 2 weeks ago, after leaving my job (that's a whole other story) and finding myself at home with not much of a schedule, I decided to take this opportunity to just do it. I confess that my motivation may have started at the mall. I've had my black Nike's for a while, but I wanted something a little more colorful. I couldn't bring myself to buy them since I didn't currently have a use for them... so that day I turned to Jon and told him if I ended up buying them, we had to join a gym. And that's what happened.

We are now members of a gym so close to home that if we didn't live on this busy route we could probably walk to.

Why am I sharing this? Because it's not too late. It's easy to say you're going to start "tomorrow" or "next week" or "next month" but it's hard to actually do it. In my life, this is very similar to the time that I spend with God. Whether it's reading the Bible, praying, devotionals, quiet time, etc. It's easy to dream about having of habit of a devoted time every day, but it's hard to actually do it.


That's what I'm telling myself to exercise, and it's actually proven that chemicals release in my body to make me feel good afterwards, making me want to continue.


That's also what I'm telling myself to spend time with God. Because a lot of times I'm just distracted by other things and I forget how sweet that time is when I actually do.


Because if you wait until you "feel like it" you'll just keep saying "tomorrow", but a lot of times the feeling comes after the action.

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